Bathurst Region Media Library

Throughout the regular operations of the Bathurst Visitor Information Centre we run marketing campaigns, manage our website, print guides and make heaps of social media posts. To make sure we have high quality images to promote the Bathurst region we hire photographers, run competitions and of course take our own photos. With hundreds of images being collated each year we have a vast library to draw from. 

For local businesses, visiting media, community clubs, social groups, students and general members of the public it can often be difficult to find high quality imagery of our region to support their needs. As such we have established a public library of free images that can be used by anyone in non-commercial applications.  The images below are images we own the rights to, have taken ourselves or have received approval to share. Please see the terms and conditions tab on the library main page for all of the details prior to downloading any imagery.

For queries about commercial application of these images or if you are uncertain if your use falls within commercial applications please send an enquiry to 


Bathurst Media Library

Access hundreds of Bathurst images for use in any non commercial applications. These are great for local community organisations, media outlets, businesses or anyone looking to share their love of Bathurst.

Become a Contributor

Are you a local photographer looking to get your name out there? Or maybe you have a great shot you would like to share with the community?
Submit your photos to the Bathurst Media Library.