Oxford Bingo

The Oxford Bathurst 170 William Street, Bathurst

Introducing Oxford Bingo! The newest event to kick off your Friday nights. Use your phone as your bingo card - a modern twist on the classic game of bingo. Your card might have words, numbers or even pictures. The first few rounds are random topics, then finish things off with music bingo. Family friendly. All […]

Bathurst parkrun

A free, fun, and friendly weekly 5k community event. Walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate – it's up to you! Please register before you first come along. Only ever register with parkrun once and don't forget to bring a scannable copy of your barcode (request a reminder). If you forget it, you won't get a time.


Royal Hall Hill End Clarke St, Hill End

The local community will be showcasing their artisan delights, such as clothing, crafty abilities, art/photography, jam/honey and preserves. We even have stuff you don’t really need. A Sausage Sizzle! It’s the HOTTEST in town! Brought to you by the Hill End Rural Fire Brigade. This is a self-funded event and money raised by some of […]


Bathurst Arts Trail

Bathurst region

The Bathurst Arts Trail is a collective of artists throughout the Bathurst region who open their galleries and studios to visitors on the first weekend of each month. The Arts Trail Open Weekends offer a fabulous opportunity to meet all the local artists, to see their works and hear their stories. Painters, potters, photographers, sculptors […]


Bathurst Grange Distillery Tour & Tasting

Bathurst Grange Distillery Bathurst Grange Distillery, 3249 O'Connell Rd, Bathurst, Bathurst

Join a tour at the Bathurst Grange Distillery and see surrounding gardens and farmland on the heritage property, The Grange, established in 1823. Share the passion for distilling Whisky and Gin as they explain the techniques and craft of making the premium spirits. ​Learn the art of distillation ​Friday: 4pm Saturday: 11am, 2pm & 4pm Cost : $20 […]

Light on the Hill Exhibition

Chifley Home Education Centre 12 Busby Street, Bathurst

The Light on the Hill exhibition is now open at Chifley Home and Education Centre. The exhibition celebrates one of the most important speeches of Bathurst’s Ben Chifley, delivered when he was Prime Minister. In 1949, at the NSW Labor Conference, Ben Chifley delivered his iconic “Light on the Hill” speech, which still stands today […]

Bathurst War Memorial Carillon Spring Recital Series

Bathurst War Memorial Carillon 3 Church Street, Bathurst

Spring is definitely in the air, and it is time for the Saturday Carillon Recitals to return to King's Parade. Commencing Saturday 7 September, the Friends are thrilled with this year's line up, with many carillonists from Sydney and Canberra eager to join with the Bathurst carillonists to perform on our instrument, for the delight […]

Bathurst Grange Distillery Tour & Tasting

Bathurst Grange Distillery Bathurst Grange Distillery, 3249 O'Connell Rd, Bathurst, Bathurst

Join a tour at the Bathurst Grange Distillery and see surrounding gardens and farmland on the heritage property, The Grange, established in 1823. Share the passion for distilling Whisky and Gin as they explain the techniques and craft of making the premium spirits. ​Learn the art of distillation ​Friday: 4pm Saturday: 11am, 2pm & 4pm Cost : $20 […]

Bathurst Grange Distillery Tour & Tasting

Bathurst Grange Distillery Bathurst Grange Distillery, 3249 O'Connell Rd, Bathurst, Bathurst

Join a tour at the Bathurst Grange Distillery and see surrounding gardens and farmland on the heritage property, The Grange, established in 1823. Share the passion for distilling Whisky and Gin as they explain the techniques and craft of making the premium spirits. ​Learn the art of distillation. ​Friday: 4pm Saturday: 11am, 2pm, 3pm & 4pm Cost : […]

Bathurst Grange Distillery Tour & Tasting

Bathurst Grange Distillery Bathurst Grange Distillery, 3249 O'Connell Rd, Bathurst, Bathurst

Join a tour at the Bathurst Grange Distillery and see surrounding gardens and farmland on the heritage property, The Grange, established in 1823. Share the passion for distilling Whisky and Gin as they explain the techniques and craft of making the premium spirits. ​Learn the art of distillation ​Friday: 4pm Saturday: 11am, 2pm & 4pm Cost : $20 […]


Bathurst Memorial Entertainment Centre 105 William Street, Bathurst

Physical exuberance, sonic resonance, and collective exhilaration explode onto stage in a kaleidoscopic fusion of dance, music, and visual art. Directed by Amber Haines and Kyle Page, Dancenorth Australia joins forces with three-time Grammy nominated Australian band Hiatus Kaiyote and sound artist Byron J. Scullin to create a soaring composition evoking pleasure and possibility. An […]

Bathurst Arts Trail

Bathurst region

The Bathurst Arts Trail is a collective of artists throughout the Bathurst region who open their galleries and studios to visitors on the first weekend of each month. The Arts Trail Open Weekends offer a fabulous opportunity to meet all the local artists, to see their works and hear their stories. Painters, potters, photographers, sculptors […]
